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Dec 13, 2022
How to Create an NFT on Musixverse
cover art of create NFT blog
Creating NFTs on Musixverse is a quick and easy process. This guide will show you how to create your own Music NFTs on Musixverse.

Go to the page on Musixverse to get started.
create nft page
You would only be able to create NFTs if you signed up as an artist during the registration process.
You’ll be taken to the NFT creation page, first read & agree to the terms & conditions and then follow these steps to create your own NFT:
Step 1: Fill in Track Details
track details
Fill out the basic track details including Track Title, Track Background, and Lyrics on this page. You also need to upload the Audio File and Cover Art of the track here. You may follow our suggested as it would complement you while creating NFTs.
is the complementary guide to this article. It describes the standard guideline that you can follow to create your NFTs.
Step 2: Provide Comprehensive Details
comprehensive details
Fill out all the additional details about the track including Genre, Track Origin, Track Links, etc.
Step 3: Share “Your Story”
your story
What is the story behind this song? Where did the idea come from? How did it come to life? Every NFT has a story. Tell the world why this song is close to your heart.
Step 4: Finalize Pricing & Splits
pricing & splits
Finally provide the number of copies you want to create and the price of each copy (in Matic). You can also add collaborators to your NFT and decide the percentage split among the collaborators.
If you’re part of a band, you can mint NFTs of songs collectively as a band, but first, you need to create a band profile for that. Follow our guide to know .
Additionally, you need to provide the Resale Royalty Percentage that you would receive after each resells of the NFT.

You can also schedule the launch of your NFT in case you don’t want to launch it right away. Once you’re done reviewing these details, click the Create button.
Congrats, you’ve just minted your first NFT on the Polygon Blockchain!
Although you can create an NFT on Musixverse in a few minutes, we suggest to take your time to go through all the details. Note that you can always save your draft and come back to it any time you want.
About Us
aims to power music ownership and distribution across the web and beyond, and in the process empower artists and fans alike. Musixverse is more than just an NFT marketplace for musicians and fans.

It enables talent discovery, provides tools to propel growth, and uplifts musicians by enabling them to create NFTs of their music and provide them with royalties and recognition that they deserve.

Musixverse is here to disrupt the music industry!
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