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Sell NFT

  • Artists can create NFTs and sell
  • Collectors can resell
You need to be the current owner of the NFT to sell an NFT on Musixverse.
By default when you create an NFT, it’s up for sale on the NFT Marketplace. And if you own any NFT, you can put it for sale on marketplace anytime. You can do that using the “Put Up for Sale” button that’s present on the NFT’s track info page.
When you successfully sell an NFT, MATIC equivalent to the price of the NFT will be transferred to your wallet. The NFT will disappear from your profile and will now appear on the buyer’s profile. The complete ownership of the NFT will be transferred to the buyer.
You can list the NFT that you own on marketplace using the “Put Up for Sale” button that’s present on the NFT’s track info page.
It doesn’t cost anything to sell an NFT. You just need to pay the gas fees for the transaction and that gas fee is almost negligible.